Missing Link Tutoring
In order to fully understand why the “Missing Link” is important is to understand how I personally learned in school, navigating my own challenges and how that resulted in my success in life. It is the reason I feel inspired to help kids thrive with similar circumstances. Having a life long hearing impairment and already at a learning disadvantage when compared to other kids, I did not always grasp information as quickly as the other kids. I soon realized at a very young age that I needed another way to “get it”.
Education/Family Friendly Business Type
- Online Education
- E-Learning
- Homeschool Resources
- Special Education (IEP)
For Ages
- All Ages
For Grades
- For Adults
- All Grades
Direct Business Website Link
Open Days/Hours
The hours may vary
Business Phone #
(408) 202-6581
Business Address
San Jose, California, United States, 95125